Nokia has announced the launch of the Nokia C21 Plus, as its latest phone in its C-series of budget smartphones. Nokia has announced the phone will offer a big battery and will come with Android 11 Go edition to boot. Apart from this, there’s also a dual-camera set-up at the back, with a 13MP primary sensor. The camera app on the device comes with HDR and also offers interesting features. The Nokia C21 Plus features a 6.5-inch HD+ display.
In India, the phone has been launched at a starting price of ₹10,299 for the 3GB + 32GB variant, with the 4GB + 64GB variant retailing for ₹11,299. The company has also announced that it will be bundling the Nokia Wired Buds for free with the smartphone.
Nokia C21 Plus: Detailed specifications
In terms of specifications, the Nokia C21 Plus features a 6.5-inch HD+ display which can refresh at 60Hz. Underneath the hood, it is powered by a Unisoc SC9863A chipset, paired with up to 4GB RAM and 64GB storage. This storage can be expanded further. Other specifications of the device include a dual rear camera setup with a primary 13-megapixel sensor and a 2-megapixel depth sensor. On the front, there’s also a 5-megapixel shooter for selfies.
The phone’s outer shell is held together using an inner metal chassis and also comes with toughened cover glass. The phone is IP52 rated for dust and water resistance. Other than this, it comes with a fingerprint reader and Nokia’s AI face unlock technology.
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