HP Pavilion 14 series of laptops have been launched in India. The newcomers are the HP Pavilion Plus 14 and Pavilion x360 14. Both of them are powered by Intel 12th gen processors. You also get a 5MP webcam, Windows 11, HP command center, HP Palette, and other common features between them.
Here’s what the company details about the two laptops in its press release:
The HP Pavilion Plus 14-inch is a lightweight device equipped with 12th gen Intel Core H-series processors with H-45 Watt. The all-new HP Pavilion x360 14-inch laptop weighs just around 1.41 Kgs and is available in three color variants: Space Blue, Pale Rose Gold, and Natural Silver.
HP Pavilion Plus 14-inch Laptop
Up to 12th gen Intel Core H-series processors to work hard and play hard with OMEN Gaming Hub.
Comes with two fans and two heat pipes to dramatically improve airflow when gaming, creating, streaming, or multi-tasking.
Provides great viewing experiences for web browsing with 2.2k resolution and a 16:10 aspect ratio.
Comes with HP Command Center, with Performance Mode, Balanced Mode, and Power Saver Mode.
Pre-installed with HP Palette.
5MP camera with HP Presence technology, including AI Noise Removal.
Available in two colors to fit your style: Natural Silver and Warm Gold.
HP Pavilion x360 14-inch Laptop
12 th gen Intel Core U-series processors for faster movie downloads, smoother live
streaming, and low latency online for multiplayer gaming.
HP’s first consumer laptop with a manual camera shutter door so you know your camera is private and secure.
Control the performance of the device with HP Command Center, with Performance Mode, Balanced Mode, and Power Saver Mode.
Create seamlessly with HP Palette pre-installed.
A great video call experience with a 5MP camera with HP Presence technology, including AI Noise Removal.
Color options: Available in Space Blue, Pale Rose Gold, and Natural Silver.
EyeSafe Certified Display:
Always-on blue light filter that provides a comfortable viewing experience
Built right into the display, with no need to adjust settings
Redistributes light energy to provide beautiful colour
Maintains smooth color performance
Pricing and Availability
The HP Pavilion Plus 14-inch laptop is available for purchase starting at INR 78,999/-
The HP Pavilion x360 14-inch laptop is available for purchase starting at INR 76,999/-
Vickram Bedi, Senior Director, Personal Systems, HP India, said “At HP, we constantly expand and innovate our ecosystem to meet the evolving needs of Gen Zs and Millennials. We built the thinnest laptop – HP Pavilion Plus 14-inch, to cater to the hybrid lifestyle based on deep consumer insights. This PC and the Pavilion x360 14-inch devices are intended to offer exceptional experiences, so users remain connected, engaged, and productive. They also include an Eyesafe Certified Display, which lowers eye strain and delivers a pleasant working environment.”
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