Tecno India has introduced the Indian market to the Phantom X smartphone today. This is armed with a MediaTek processor, a 4700mAh battery, and a slightly dated Android 11 experience on the performance and power side of things. However, outside, it has a glass body and eye-catching dual selfie cameras. Even on the backside, there is a triple camera setup led by a 50MP snapper.
Tecno Phantom X Specs and Features
Tecno is giving a 48MP plus 8MP dual camera setup on the front. The latter of the two is an ultrawide snapper for a wider field of view for your selfies, video calls and vlogging needs.
At the back, there is a 50MP leader, a 13MP telephoto with 2x optical zoom, and an 8MP super-wide-angle sensor.
The innards of Phantom X comprise a MediaTek Helio G95 chipset, a solo 8+256GB memory combination, and a 5000mAh battery with a 33W adapter.
You also get an in-display fingerprint scanner, a USB-C 2.0 socket, WiFi ac, Bluetooth 5.0, and a 3.5mm audio jack.
Tecno Phantom X Price in India and Availability
Tecno has released the Phantom X through Amazon and the sale begins on May 4. The company is bundling a Bluetooth speaker and a one-time screen replacement offer for free with the handset.
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