Earlier this week, TCL teased the launch of its new Mini LED 4k Google TV. The flagship model is all set to launch in India on June 28. And now, we at Digit have accessed exclusive information that along with the Mini LED TV, TCL will also be launching a new 4K gaming QLED TV in the country.
As per our sources, this new TV from TCL will use the company’s advancements in the Quantum Dot Display technology and offer support for a wide colour gamut. There will also be support for HDR 10+ on the TV, and possibly also offer 144-VRR for games that can take advantage of fast refresh rate panels. In addition, our sources have also revealed that this gaming QLED TV will also bring ‘OK Google’ and Google Duo for remote working.
TCL QLED TV Specs and Features
For now, this is all the information we have about the television, with its specifications and even the size of its panel remaining a mystery. However, we expect to get more information about the Gaming QLED and even the Mini LED TV as we get closer to the launch date.
But our expectation is these TVs could be among the best in the market once launched as they could offer support for features like ALLM, Dolby Vision, and Dolby Atmos for immersive visuals and audio delivery. The only sticking price could be the pricing of the TVs, with the flagship model likely to cost over 1.6 lakhs in India.
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