Oppo India is set to launch the Reno 8 series on July 18. We are a few weeks away from the event. And so, ahead of that, the company has started teasing the positives of the new Reno smartphones. There will be the Reno 8 and the Reno 8 Pro. The Pro model will be packing MariSilicon X Imaging NPU and 4K Ultra Night Video while on the surface, it will be sporting a slim, symmetrical, and squared-off design. Let’s see what these new design aspects are and how the two Reno8 series phones are similar yet different from each other.
Oppo Reno 8 Series Design Highlights
Oppo Reno 8
Oppo underlines the use of 1:618 in the making of Reno 8 smartphones. This is called Golden Ratio and as the Oppo press release notes, this has been part of the design of several popular monuments (like The Great Pyramid and Taj Mahal) and paintings (like Mona Lisa and Sacrament Of The Last Supper). Oppo says, “For build durability, Oppo has used an aluminium frame, coupled with Gorilla Glass 5. Furthermore, the glass back has been heat-forged and moulded to create an ergonomically streamlined unibody that melds the camera module with the rest of the handset’s back. This new design is the outcome of over a hundred changes and 400+ days of effort”.
The company also points out its unibody design elements like seamless camera elevation and eight nanometre-scale polishing processes.
Oppo Reno 8 Pro
The Reno 8 Pro is said to weigh 183gms whilst the regular Reno 8 is 179 gms in heft and just 7.67mm in thickness.
Here’s what the company tells us about the “Infinite camera possibilities” and “new colours and hues”:
The camera panel has the signature Oppo ring flash and dual flash system.
You can pick the Reno 8 Pro in Glazed Green and Glazed Black whereas the Reno 8 comes out in Shimmering Gold and Shimmering Black.
You may mark your calendar for the Oppo Reno8 series launch event on July 18, 2022.
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