Sony has released the new Bravia X75K TV in India. It is a 4K TV with the company’s X1 processor. As is usually the case with Sony TVs, there are a bunch of proprietary features like Live Color technology for natural colour tuning, X-reality Pro for picture upscaling, and MotionFlow for motion smoothing. The sound is aided by Dolby Audio. There is also support for Apple AirPlay 2 casting, Homekit connectivity, and Google Assistant. The Bravia TV ships with Google TV OS.
Sony Bravia X75K TV Specs and Features
The X75K TV comes with an Ultra HD Direct LED screen and the picture is processed by an X1 chip. This is one of the Sony technologies found within the new 4K Bravia TV, which also includes Live Color for a more real-life tone, X-reality Pro for scaling up lower-res content on the 4K display, and MotionFlow with frame interpolation and blur reduction.
There is support for HDR10 and HLG HDR format and, Dynamic Contrast Enhancer.
As for audio, the speaker is a 1+1 system with Dolby Audio processing.
Inside it includes 16GB of storage that can be filled with apps from the Google Play Store. The software is Google TV.
The offered connectivity options on the Bravia X75K are dual-band WiFi ac, 1x ethernet, Bluetooth 5.0, Chromecast, AirPlay 2, Homekit, 1x RF, and 1x Composite Input, 3x HDMI, ARC, 1x digital audio output, 1x headphone port, and 2x USB-A ports.
Sony Bravia X75K TV Price and Availability
For now, the company has announced the pricing and availability of 43-inch and 50-inch models:
KD-43X75K costs ₹55,990 and will be available from May 02, 2022.
KD-50X75K carries a price tag of ₹66,990 and will be on sale from May 2, 2022.
The details of KD-55X75K and KD-65X75K are yet to be announced.
The new Sony Bravia TVs will be retailing through all Sony Centers, major electronic stores, and e-commerce sites in India.
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