Xiaomi Smart TV 5A and the Xiaomi OLED Vision TV have officially launched in India. The two smart TVs were unveiled alongside the flagship Xiaomi 12 Pro which is powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chip and the Xiaomi Pad 5, the company’s second tablet in India after the Mi Pad, which launched seven years back. The Smart TV 5A follows the Mi TV 4A lineup from last year which was well received and boosted the total TV sales of Xiaomi to over 7 million. The Xiaomi Smart TV 5 has launched in three sizes while the OLED Vision TV is the company’s first OLED television launched in India. Here’s everything you need to know about the Xiaomi Smart TV 5A and OLED Vision TV.
Presenting the #XiaomiOLEDVision!
Experience Perfection in Vision with #Xiaomi at the #XiaomiNext! pic.twitter.com/kyfykXcZVM
— Xiaomi India (@XiaomiIndia) April 27, 2022
Xiaomi Smart TV 5A features
The Xiaomi Smart TV 5A is available in 32”, 40” and 43” display sizes, all featuring a metal build and bezeless design. The 32-inch Smart TV 5A offers HD (1366×768 pixels) resolution while the 40” and 43” versions offer Full HD (1920×1080 pixels) resolution.
Xiaomi has equipped the 40” and 43” versions with two 24W speakers while the 32” model features 20W speakers. All support Dolby Audio but only 40” and 43” models support DTS:X and DTS Virtual: X.
The Xiaomi Smart TV 5A is powered by a quad-core Cortex-A55 chip and is backed by 1.5GB RAM (1GB on 32”) and 8GB internal storage. The system runs Android TV 11 along with PatchWall 4 which brings features like IMDb integration, universal search, Live channels and more.
It also supports Chromecast, Bluetooth 5.0 and dual-band WiFi. The ports on the TV include two HDMI, two USB, an Ethernet, an AV, an optical cable and a headphone port. The remote provided with the TV has a sleek build and has dedicated buttons for Netflix, Prime Video and Disney+ Hotstar.
Xiaomi Smart TV 5A pricing and availability
Xiaomi Smart TV 5A is priced starting at Rs 13,499 for the 32” model, Rs 20,999 for the 40” model and Rs 23,999 for the 43” model. It goes on sale from April 30 across Mi.com, Amazon India, Mi Home stores and in major offline retail stores.
Xiaomi OLED Vision TV features
The Xiaomi OLED Vision TV is the company’s flagship offering that features a 10-bit 55-inch OLED display offering 4K UHD (3840×2160 pixels) resolution with support for a 60Hz refresh rate Reality Flow MEMC engine. The display offers a 1500000:1 contrast ratio, 98.5% DCI-P3 colour gamut coverage and is certified for IMAX Enhanced, Dolby Vision IQ, HDR10+ and HLG playback.
Xiaomi’s OLED Vision TV has a 4.6mm thin design and offers a 97% screen-to-body ratio. The audio setup consists of 8 speaker units (4 active and 4 passive drivers) along with Dolby Atmos and DTS-X support.
It is powered by a quad-core Cortex-A73 chip with 3GB RAM and 32GB storage. The OLED Vision runs on Android TV 11 with PatchWall 4. It has Bluetooth 5.0, WiFi 6 and far-field microphones. The I/O ports include three HDMI 2.1 ports, two USB ports, an Ethernet port, an AV out, an optical cable port and a 3.5mm audio jack.
Xiaomi OLED Vision TV price and availability
The Xiaomi OLED Vision 55 is priced at Rs 89,999 and will go on sale from May 19 across Mi.com, Amazon India and Mi Home stores.
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